Childcare Subsidy Calculator

Use KindiCare’s Subsidy Calculator to estimate your family’s Child Care Subsidy (CCS) estimate based on your current household income and you and your partner’s activity hours. Simply enter details about your household income, children, number of days in care and cost of care to determine your childcare subsidy, or log in to KindiCare and update your Child Care Subsidy Settings to search with your estimated subsidy applied to all eligible services.

Childcare Subsidy Calculator
Your Income & Activity Information
Children Information
Child 1


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FOR PARENTSSimplify your childcare and early learning search journey

Visit the KindiCare website to explore ALL your early childhood education and care options to find the one that's right for you and your family.

FOR CHILDCARE PROVIDERSGet our integrated Child Care Subsidy Calculator for your website

Enhance your company's or early learning services' website with the KindiCare Subsidy Calculator. Our calculator provides families who visit your website with instant and accurate childcare subsidy estimates. You can even change the calculator to suit your company or early learning service brand!
